Prototyping the future.

Prototyping the future.

Combining disciplines & mindsets from product innovation and blockbuster vfx.







We call our specialty:

The New Problems

The New Problems

Technologies & paradigms that don't yet have a template for success or best practices.
Technologies & paradigms that don't yet have a template for success or best practices.

Spatial / AR

why this new paradigm is hyper-relevant IN THE NEXT ERA OF DIGITAL.

Future of Mobility

why this new paradigm is hyper-relevant IN THE NEXT ERA OF DIGITAL.

Presence + Avatars

why this new paradigm is hyper-relevant IN THE NEXT ERA OF DIGITAL.

Gen AI / LLM

why this new paradigm is hyper-relevant IN THE NEXT ERA OF DIGITAL.


why this new paradigm is hyper-relevant IN THE NEXT ERA OF DIGITAL.

Spatial / AR

why this new paradigm is hyper-relevant IN THE NEXT ERA OF DIGITAL.

Future of Mobility

why this new paradigm is hyper-relevant IN THE NEXT ERA OF DIGITAL.

Presence + Avatars

why this new paradigm is hyper-relevant IN THE NEXT ERA OF DIGITAL.

Gen AI / LLM

why this new paradigm is hyper-relevant IN THE NEXT ERA OF DIGITAL.


why this new paradigm is hyper-relevant IN THE NEXT ERA OF DIGITAL.

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We are committed to

Designing Positive Futures

Designing Positive Futures

There is a long-standing precedent for science-fiction playing a critical role in inspiring science-fact. Our background in film & technology covers both sides of the cycle, but also makes us acutely aware: For the last 20 years, mainstream entertainment has been saturated with dark, oppressive, gritty visions of the future.

While we at BlackBox would like to see more positive futures, we don’t think it is Hollywood’s responsibility or obligation. But this leaves open an opportunity for innovators from the world's most important brands to lead the charge. To create a new north star for where the future will lead. To design positive futures.


Newsletter: Inside the BlackBox

2024 blackbox infinite
designing positive futures


Newsletter: Inside the BlackBox

2024 blackbox infinite
designing positive futures